Wednesday, November 5, 2008

what HAVE I been up to?

As of recently I realized I really need to start getting to the gym more. I work and occasionally go ride some single track trails on my bike but otherwise, I haven't been working out too much. I am really serious this time, I miss the feeling of being in better shape and the high I get from working out and I feel much more accomplished with myself after a good work out. Consider this my promise to myself to get to the gym more and start taking better care of myself.

OH! how could I forget to mention that today I had to go pay Grand Traverse County 25 dollars and show them that I DO have car insurance. Monday night, I was stopped for just barely running a red light and i was given a warning on the light (fair enough). When giving Officer Bates my license and registration, I couldn't seem to find my up to date proof of insurance! so today, to prevent having to pay 165 dollars, I drove an hour to the Grand Traverse District Court building to show my proof of insurance and pay the 25 dollars so I wouldn't have my license suspended. I may sound a bit ridiculous, but I really don't understand having to pay the government money for simply not having a piece of paper with me. I have insurance and if they want me to come show them proof, okay. I just don't see the need for them to take money from you for what reasoning? just to make a quick 25 off of people who already a set amount of money to drive on the roads they fund with their tax dollars already! ( thank you for listening to my rant)

This weekend I am going to be headed back to Chicago which should certainly be a good time. Spending time with Alix is my favorite thing to do, and hopefully soon enough, i will get to a lot more often. I will be sure to keep this blog updated and not wait so long next time! :)

1 comment:

Alix said...

I think you lucked out on the insurance thing considering you didn't get stuck in a ditch on the way and you only had to pay $25...but I do see your frustration.

Also, I hope you can get into my room when you get here. Tonight I have to get through a bunch of stuff in here and wash my sheets. That is the only laundry I plan on doing, though, so I hope I have some clean clothes.
