Wednesday, November 19, 2008

with life, comes death... and many other things

As I have talked about recently, my dog had to be put to sleep.
For the first time in my life, death didn't seem quite so strange and difficult to really grasp.
the later parts of my dogs life I could look into his eyes and see true emotion.
It is almost as if I could see his soul and understand him for the first time ever.
I could just see the pain and sadness in his eyes. he layed around a lot due to the arthritis he developed and I think it bothered him in a psychological way.
having experienced this... I feel all living things have a soul and a state of consciousness.
which I also think explains why there are so many different types of people and species on this Earth. we are all mean't to work together toward something greater than ourselves and this place we all call Earth. I don't know what it is, but I know that someday we will all get there.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


the past week and a half has been so crazy for me. Last weekend I went down to Chicago to visit Alix and it was a great time! from shopping for bathroom items, to the adventure of finding our way to the tattoo shop. it was all really great! she even made me dinner the last night :) so yummy!

I returned home Tuesday to go to work and then found out we have to put my dog of 13yrs down. I knew we were going to have to... just didn't think it would be that soon. Thursday I said my goodbyes and then went to work, while my dad took him in to be put down. I kept crying at work... it was one of the toughest days of my life. I also found out that we are going to have a new boss at work, which was really shocking and also, a lady I work with was let go. so things have been quite crazy at work... I don't know what will happen next. Hopefully things get better and more stable at the workplace!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

what HAVE I been up to?

As of recently I realized I really need to start getting to the gym more. I work and occasionally go ride some single track trails on my bike but otherwise, I haven't been working out too much. I am really serious this time, I miss the feeling of being in better shape and the high I get from working out and I feel much more accomplished with myself after a good work out. Consider this my promise to myself to get to the gym more and start taking better care of myself.

OH! how could I forget to mention that today I had to go pay Grand Traverse County 25 dollars and show them that I DO have car insurance. Monday night, I was stopped for just barely running a red light and i was given a warning on the light (fair enough). When giving Officer Bates my license and registration, I couldn't seem to find my up to date proof of insurance! so today, to prevent having to pay 165 dollars, I drove an hour to the Grand Traverse District Court building to show my proof of insurance and pay the 25 dollars so I wouldn't have my license suspended. I may sound a bit ridiculous, but I really don't understand having to pay the government money for simply not having a piece of paper with me. I have insurance and if they want me to come show them proof, okay. I just don't see the need for them to take money from you for what reasoning? just to make a quick 25 off of people who already a set amount of money to drive on the roads they fund with their tax dollars already! ( thank you for listening to my rant)

This weekend I am going to be headed back to Chicago which should certainly be a good time. Spending time with Alix is my favorite thing to do, and hopefully soon enough, i will get to a lot more often. I will be sure to keep this blog updated and not wait so long next time! :)

Oh what a city!

I don't really know why it has been so long since I have posted a new blog... but please forgive me :)

well, as I had talked about, I went to Chicago back in mid October and it was the most fun I have had since... well I can't even remember! I arrived on the 17th and spent the entire weekend with my girlfriend Alix. We hung out, got pizza and then met up with friends of hers to play Whirlyball which might be my new favorite sport! I'd describe it as bumper cars, Lacrosse and basketball all mixed in to one! the next day we did touristy type things as well as Sunday. Monday I drove her to work and then left for home.

(for pictures, check out my myspace!)