Sunday, September 21, 2008

Falling is fun?

Well, readers (the very few I'm sure)
as you know, I've taken up the sport of Mountain Biking.
It is really a great sport for exercise, fun and... getting hurt on the occasion.

Wednesday, September 17th I went out to a trail in Gaylord, MI
with one of my friends. i've ridden pretty much all of the trail except one section. My friend and I ended up in that part of the trail and it was a great time! As we approached the end the trail went down a good sized hill and then at the bottom was about a 3 ft mound of dirt.
Thinking it would be fun to jump it... I did and to my surprise it shot me up higher than anticipated. I landed and was feeling good about it.
so I decided to make a few more attempts but have my friend take video of it. well, the 4th attempt was doomed to be my last for the day.
I decided i wouldn't touch the brakes coming down the hill and just hit it with some good speed.
well, speed has never been a great friend of mine apparently because when I landed my foot slipped off the pedal driving me into the ground and sliding a bit.

The first thought coming to mind while laying on the ground "Oh Sh*t, I hope I'm ok! I don't have health insurance!" after getting up I realized just how bad my tailbone felt when I came down on the seat directly on the tailbone.
after a few minutes of dusting myself off and my friend helping wipe the dirt off my (off)roadrash, I went back to the truck.

the ride home wasn't so pleasant with having to ride home 45 minutes, sitting on a broken tailbone. once i got home I showered off and then i realized I had a little bit of tree sap in my hair. I couldn't help but laugh at the whole thing.
I'm healing up pretty well, the only thing that really bothers me is my tailbone... I have a feeling it is bruised or broken... for the second time.

This is still better than sitting safely at home on the couch watching TV and or at some mall buying the latest trend.


Anonymous said...

See. Told you I read it :]

Anonymous said...

OUCH DUDE!!!! :(
