Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Day Two 9/10/08

Today I woke up, watched MTV for the first time in forever... and to my surprise, I am now a Lil' Wayne fan, haha. I watched the VMA's which he performed at and that was it, I was like 'dang, this song really is pretty sic" so I had my friend Andrew send me the album and I put it on my iPod and listened to it while I cleaned out my car later on. It had been nearly 2 months since I've cleaned my car out and I just couldn't stand it so I decided to spray it off and vaccuum it all out.

Ah, after the car cleaning, I went home and got ready and rode my bike with my friend Jimmy for a few hours. I'm getting better! Oh! and something rather epic happend! I can bunny hop bike now!
even for all the years I rode bmx I could never do that (sad I know...)
I was pretty pumped so I practiced that quite a bit tonight. I'm getting a lot better already and it's only been 24hrs since I figured it out for the first time.

I work friday and Saturday this weekend which is nice, but that means not a lot of weekend fun for me. should be good though, work CAN be fun... sometimes.

Oh, a side note... I'm watching The National Geographic channel... and I've never felt more sick in my life. this little girl and her family eats horses... but they also love riding them... not sure how that works out haha. This program has been rather interesting though, it is all about the different cultures around the world and their cultural food.
made me think, people eat crab here... but we think its gross when other cultures eat spiders and things of the like. what were we thinking?

It's a good day for a vegetarian :]


TuChic12 said...

YES!, i no longer eat crabs i mean it's a religious choice but still GROSSSSSSSSSS and lil wayne is the Shiz haha he is crazy tho but pretty talented took you long enough it's 2008 lol come on now!

Anonymous said...

Lil Wayne.

:: shakes head ::