Monday, October 6, 2008

Biking and Bedding

Today was a great day of fun. I woke up and got ready to go to TC with my dad to go ride the VASA trail. this was the first time I've ridden that trail and it was a blast! My dad had been gone for a couple weeks so it was good to spend time with him again doing something we both enjoy. After riding for awhile, we went shopping for some bedding. it sounds a bit funny to me, but I really wanted to get a new comforter and sheets. I ended up getting a down comforter, sheets and some feather pillows.... they are so comfortable! As soon as I got home, I ripped the old bedding from my bed and put on the new stuff, it looks as good as it feels! :D
Oh! and we went to Qdoba for lunch which was amazing as always. I even saw my friend rachel there which I haven't seen in a couple years! I was surprised to see her and didn't even recognize her at first.

Sorry this wasn't very long... but I am gonna try to post more....possibly daily if I remember to.

1 comment:

Alix said...

Yay for new posts and new bedding and your dad being home and qdoba and George Lopez and your friend Rachel and other yay type stuff.
