Friday, December 5, 2008

Tis' the Season... right?

In no particular order, I am going to share recent events/thoughts with you.

The day after Thanksgiving, my parents brought home a new dog named Casey. He his a 4yr old Rottweiler. He was going to be put down had my parents not picked him up. I wasn't sure how to handle it... but he is one of the best dogs I have ever known. He doesn't have to be on a leash or in a fenced in yard. He comes when he is called and doesn't beg... too much :)
An interesting thing to note, I decided his middle name to be Jones since i couldn't give him a new first name. It turns out that the last name of the family who had him before us was Jones. I was kinda freaked out, but it made me feel that much better about having a new dog.

Onward we go...
I have just recently finished Christmas Shopping for everyone, but for awhile, I wasn't sure if I could figure out what to get people. I always put stress on myself (more than needed) when it comes to doing something for someone else. I don't wanna disappoint anyone. I think I got stuff that everyone will like. Last night I wrapped up all of the Gifts (I was in the mood, so I decided to just get it all done) and I took a picture of Alix's gifts and sent the picture of them all pilled up.
she replied back with one of the cutest things I had ever heard "Why'd you do that?" and the way she said it made me laugh a whole bunch, which triggered her to laugh and giggle, it was great! :]